Friday, October 30, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Face "not matching" psyche
Friday, October 23, 2009
I am always hungry to eat.. I sometimes dont understand why do i eat so much.. Obviously I am aware of the repercussions of my increasing weight day by day.. But i just cannot resist the food.. I am a big time foodie, and when it comes to my favourites... I go gagas..
My day is incomplete if i dont eat any of my favourites all day long.. I feel so vacuous when i dont chew something, i wonder, whether i m living to eat.. When i smell the aroma of the food.. all kinds of fluids secrete in my mouth.. Now, lemme mention some of my favourites which i can never resist-watsoever may be.. PAANI POORI, MAGGIE, PANEER KI SABJI WITH NAAN, PIZZAS, MC D 'S BURGER, CHHOLE BHATURe, ICECREAMS, CHOCS,ALL KINDA SWEETS..n there are more.. (SHY)
I feel as if my life is at stake when anybody asks me to go for dieting... i feel like... completely frustrated.. I love street food, from the time i am in college.. Sometimes, when i dream of getting a slim figure.. one of a girly types.. i GET motivated.. but the next day, i cant resist... I am a tallow, and a bit oversized creature, i know... BUT , i cant give up food.. i was flabbergasted when one of my friend, said.. she was on dieting, even when she had a perfect figure..
Damm all those who diet.. i really cant, i have been trying from so long, but couldnt be succesful for more than two days.. and ya, exercising is what i am very lazy about, I often wonder how ll i look ..when i ll be fatter... but, I CANT GIVE UP MY FAVOURITES..
Everybody at my home, gives me various kinds of avarices to reduce down my weight ..yet I DONT CARE...
P.S- after reading this blog, if you think what kind of girl i am, dont bother... i love food, and my problem.. can be understood my only those.. who are facing the same problem...
I LOVE FOOD (winks******)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Mom's love
Something that is still pure.. is only mom's love.. I am her only daughter, I can now, make out that.. if the woman of the house is not selfless.. the family can never live in tranquility, if she always keep up her ego, i bet nobody in the family, would even care about her wellbeing...
I am writing all this today, because my mom made me incharge of the kitchen for two days.. and the days are unending.. they are the longest days ever.. I am hating all the household chores i have to do, but cannot back out, thinking of how she manages to do everything so perfectly...i can now understand how difficult is to manage a kitchen, but she MANAGES our houses, and make it so perfect for us to live that we are able to call it "home sweet home"and makes it the best place for us to live in.. Can anybody deny on this?We miss our homes, once we go away.. dont we..??I literally cried amuck when i last left my home, alone for a month..
She wakes up at 6'o clock in the morning, and does all the work untiringly , unselfishly..Always eats after we all have eaten, Why??? Just for one common reason, that she can do anything for her kids.. she sacrifices her aims, her ambitions, and find her only happiness in seeing us smile.. and we dont even compliment her for the food she cooks, dont even notice the new saree she puts on.. Believe me, i really got frustrated when my dad forgot to compliment me for the tasteless food i cooked, that was so unappetising that even i could nt eat.. but even then i needed the appreciation. I get annoyed when i put on a new dress, and nobody notices it.. i feel like not wearing it ever again...!!
Till date, whenever i cry.. i wipe off and carry a smile to her.. she, on the first go- asks me, why did i cry? i fail to understand how she manages to read my mind and my ostensible smile!!
I often wonder, just after few more years.. how ll I be able to be so selfless.. how ll I shed all of my ego and manage to keep the same selfless smile that my mom displays.. Undoubtedly,God has made mothers his substitute.. Atleast I dont have any person in my life as her, but still why do we forget to tell her..
I am complete in tears by now.. Just wanna say, ACKNOWLEDGE HER,she ll love you even more then she did yesterday..!! :"(
I LOVE U Mumma..
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Dearest Dad,
Monday, October 5, 2009
I was a teenager by the time, we all broke up into nuclear families... i never gave a thought to how it feels in a nuclear family... but now I surely know the importance of the one... I always feel the utmost grief for the familes who divide.... reason,whatsover may be.... but living together was the most beautiful part of my life, Perhaps may be it was because, i spent my childhood in a joint culture...
Firstly, the idea of a big house excites me now.. I miss my home, it was huge... it was like a haveli... beautiful lush garden...peacocks dancing, a big garage.. a big ground for all of the kids to play... sand all over..and so many terraces(wow), smell of the sand during rainy season... my whole childhood -i never felt solitude, i had so many people to love me, to take care of me.. dont take me wrong, i still have people who love me,, but that was different... a complete different phase in my life...
Secondly, during all the festivals.. every member was so enthusiastic to participate in, to make every festival, every function a huge success.. Especially, i remember... all those festivals when the married females keep the fasts, and break only after seeing the moon... at nite, when we used to go to terraces ,,,what a soothing sky it seemed... i wonder, why are things not the same anymore... why sky seems only grey to me now... I often look up in the sky, and dont find anything so beautiful then those sights which i saw in my childhood...
I am the eldest daughter in the family, and the most loved- reason being usual, first child being extemely pampered among all... among all means-so many members in the same family... Everyday seemed to be a festival... anniversaries , birthdays followed year after year.. and now I am here... just missing my joint family...
MiSS you Amulya Adi Chachu Chachi.. :-(((
P.S.-Those who are looking ahead to divide their families,, give a second thought to it....
Friday, October 2, 2009
StRiNgS oF LoVe...