Words are all I have to take your heart away....
Raise your hands up in the air,
If words, ever took away your heart!
I wish,
I could be dumb,
I wouldn't have broken a single heart,
I would have never been misunderstood..
Right from the Raghuvansha's Empire, An adage was formed-
"praan jaaye par vachan naa jaaye"
(I may die, but will never disobey my words)
It has meandered its meaning, and we know that.
I wish,
my silence could make people understand,
my actions could pour out my transparent feelings,
my words wouldn't have been misunderstood.
Oh, words fail to display purest of emotions,
Yes, words are deceptive,
And words could never take anyone's heart away,
Oh *in agony*, words are fake!
P.S.- This poem is dedicated to all, whose words have been misunderstood so far..Just to support my view, Actions speak louder than words!