Colours are the manifestation of the life itself. They are the most noticeable attribute of the world around us...
Close your eyes for a few seconds and just imagine the surroundings without any colour.....oopss..!!COULD YOU EVEN IMAGINE..??I , perhaps failed..I was wonderering from long that how could life be even possible without these beautiful colours surrounding us...There exists nothing to my imagination without colours..Life would be dull, azoic, monotonous with the absence of colours...When we observe the things around us minutely, only then the beauty of colours can be seen...Colours , undoubtedly add exquisite flavours into our lives...Hardly there are people who notice the aesthetics of amalgamated colours,and the natural mixing...Right from the food we eat to clothes we wear and,to the surroundings we are habitated in.. All are immensely colourful....and it adds to joy in the lives of the homosapiens..for sure...COLOURS ARE EXPLICIT..
ecstatic RED... Soothing GREEN... Cool BLUE... Flirty PINK...
While I was strolling in the park the another day.. i noticed so many striking, most beautiful forms of the colours...like of the delicate butterflies, appreciated the multi coloured flowers , the magnificent peacocks, and all the different kinds of birds...The one bird i love, is what we refer to as "GOODLUCK " birds...I am sure,only few of you are aquaintainted of it...but it 's too gurly-worly to see them, n predict your day to be peaceful n happy... It proved to be extremely refreshing to oberve..
Warm YELLOW... Revered SAFFRON... Effulgent GOLD...Invincible ORANGE....
Human lives are deeply connected with colours in every way, by now u must have realized how beautiful each colour is,and how important it is, that makes the place around you, so very lively to live...therefore,colours are explicit...!!!
Electric MAGENTA..B'ful CYAN..Zapping VIOLET...Elegant SIVER.....
Well, in India...A very special festival..."HOLI-festival of colours" adds to the cherry on the top..Its spectacular to watch how people play with colours...WHAT FUN, it is to see the colourful faces of the people all around us...Moreover, there is a channel called 'COLOURS' ,which depicts the various cultures and phases of lives of he people all around 'OUR INCREDIBLE INDIA'...!!
Exotic PURPLE..Serene WHITE..Demonic black..Exquisite MAROON
Colourless life would be as a "lifeless living" , as a corpse lying in the graveyard..Various tones and shades of colours are deeply connected with our moods... the morbid we are,there is a fondness for dull colours...and the gay we are, we love the brighter tones...!!BUT, ABOVE ALL...we love colours ... Dont we??
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