
Monday, May 14, 2012

What makes you happy?

I understand happiness is ephemeral.

The strange thing, I realised, that I am unable to make myself happy. This realisation is quite scary in itself. I tried to observe what makes/keeps me happy. But I couldn't understand what made me happy generally. I am not a depressed soul or something. I have a smiling face. And my first reaction to things is usually a smile. But happiness? 

I tried hard to track a pattern. It was simple for me. I recieve immense pleasure and happiness and seeing people around me happy. More when its because of me, but I am happy when they are happy.

But the funny thing is that it still required people around me. If I am alone, what would make me happy. Perhaps, answer to this question was difficult. I had no answer. I kept thinking about it. I am still thinking. 

So, I want you all the readers, to think about what makes you happy. Just you, when you are with yourself. How do you keep yourself happy? It's important for each one of you to know and understand. Is your happiness conditional? Is it dependent on someone? Is it to do with your interest? What is it? Define happiness for yourself, with regards to ONLY you. 

Please leave your comments. 


Shriti said...

What makes me happy?

Well mostly, being with my friends make me happy. Not being at "home" makes me happy xD But it doesn't last forever. I have been trying really hard to be happy or at least smile but it's not happening to me anymore. Eh. xD

I hope you find your answer soon. :o

Jack said...


It is the best form of happiness when one sees people around happy and more so if it is because of that person. When alone, one can be happy in what one loves to do. I enjoy, which amounts to being happy, when I have my time to read or write. It could be painting or any such activity. Take your pick.

Take care

S. said...

Lately i almost forgot what makes me happy when I'm with myself..I guess its doing nothing at all which provides me immense pleasure,no chik chik.. :D

S. said...

Lately i almost forgot what makes me happy when I'm with myself..I guess its doing nothing at all which provides me immense pleasure,no chik chik.. :D

Simran said...

I agree with the very first line of this post. Indeed happiness is ephemeral but it depends how long can we go with it.
The same questions up rises in my mind too. I seeks for the reason behind my sadness even when everything goes alright..strange na?
And you know recently I found what makes me happy at times of loneliness is ''Music'' yes!
Music is magic it heals all my pain and emptiness...
Loved this post
take care and stay happy!